The Impending Apocalypse has been postponed


This morning the sea was fair raging, not full on crazy, but enough to make even me think twice and with reluctance, finally decide to retreat and miss out on a swim. However, I expected it to still be full on breakers and white horses at lunchtime (it has been so for a full week or more), but it had been transformed in a way I could scarcely credit and was, somewhat to my disappointment, verging on flat calm.


The sky was meanwhile having a moment of its own. Over there, all blue. And there, fluffy cotton wool clouds. And there, well over there the sun has gained a halo. Though it does not look at all angelic. Foreboding or spooky maybe, the kind of sky that has me on the lookout for a plague of locusts or a rain of frogs. If the beach had suddenly erupted with zombie mummies flapping in bandages I think my reaction might have been ‘ok, fair enough’.

Mansands wildswimming

Again it is almost a disappointment that the beach remains quiet, deserted and conspicuously mummy free when I wade shivering back through the shallows. .
The shivers won’t last, I have 2 fish crates loaded with rubbish to drag up the hill. Windmills charge!

Wild Swimming Map: Devon & Cornwall

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